Før Mørket: directed by Eirik Svensson. With Chris Djuma, Tracy Gotoas, Alexander Karim, Mattis Herman Nyquist. The Civil War Rages in the Central African Republic. Linn (35) Lads A Team Aid Thingsers who are worklessly to save lives in a Makehift Fild Hospital Outside the Refugee Camp. Suddenly, a desperate man runs into the clear. He is muslim, and he is persecuted and in mortal danger. Everyyone holds their breath. Outside, the mob and the Christian militia that muslim man handed over and killed ish. Linn is responsible for security. Now she must act quickly. Despite the disk she to herself and thest of the team, linn decides to follow. While the battle of her life, she must also consister safe house is a bad thing from the drama that unfolded during 15 Intense books at doctors without borders’ field in Bangu on, 2013.
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